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COP29 Ocean Pavilion Tracks & Themes




Ocean Justice
& Equity

Ocean Justice & Equity

Promoting equity and developing capacity for access to ocean information and marine resources ensures that all people benefit from and contribute to a healthy, sustainable planet. How can policies be designed to protect island and coastal communities from the impacts of environmental change, including those who will be or have already been displaced? How can we ensure that indigenous knowledge is valued by and integrated into modern conservation strategies?


Sustainable Ocean Resources

The ocean’s health is central for all life on Earth. It is also a repository of resources that could hold the key to reducing human impact on the planet. What mechanisms do we have that balance human needs with ocean health? What innovative technologies can help monitor, restore, or sustainably manage marine habitats?


Ocean Voices

The ocean has inspired humanity for millennia and lies at the heart of island and coastal cultures worldwide. How can we incorporate diverse perspectives to produce more effective and inclusive ocean policies and climate solutions? What is the role of creative pursuits and social science in ensuring the nurturing of an ocean-literate society that values and protects the ocean across generations?



Ocean Life & Biodiversity

Ocean life is bearing the brunt of climate impacts. What does climate change mean for marine biodiversity and ecosystems that support a healthy ocean and thriving communities? How can we identify and preserve critical parts of the living ocean in the face of changing political landscapes and a rapidly changing climate?


Changing Ocean

Mitigating and adapting to ocean changes is critical for the survival of marine ecosystems and humanity, alike. What is the state of knowledge about compounding stressors including ocean warming, acidification, sea-level rise, and extreme weather? How can we safely enhance the resilience of coastal communities and marine ecosystems when presented with a rapidly changing ocean?


Ocean, Carbon & Climate

The ocean can be a source of solutions in the face of an increasingly uncertain future. What role can or should the ocean play in climate mitigation strategies such as marine carbon dioxide removal and sequestration? What steps need to be taken to monitor and mitigate the ocean’s carbon budget to avoid unintended consequences and preserve existing ecosystem services?



Blue Economy & Finance

The blue economy is one of the fastest-growing economic sectors worldwide with potential to support both improved livelihoods and ocean health. How can financial mechanisms be designed and implemented that support sustainable blue economy initiatives tailored to local and national needs and that anticipate and address loss and damage needs? What policies will encourage private-sector investment in ocean-friendly technologies and industries while also maximizing input from communities and stakeholders?


Blue Resilience & Adaptation

Building community resilience and adaptation strategies in the face of a changing ocean is essential to protect coastal communities, ensure marine ecosystems health, and implement national adaptation plans. What are the most effective and appropriate nature-based solutions that address current and anticipated changes? What are the gaps in knowledge that need to be filled in order to ensure that people, communities and nations are better prepared for change on both a global and regional scale?


Ocean Solutions & Innovation

Innovative technologies and new approaches can harness the potential of the ocean to meet global challenges and promote sustainability and economic development. What emerging technologies and traditional knowledge offer the greatest potential for sustainable ocean resource management? How can interdisciplinary collaboration drive innovation in ocean-based solutions to environmental and social challenges that also help nations meet their nationally determined contributions and implement ocean-related components of their adaptation plans?

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